Okay, so just to put things into perspective here there's got to be about a gazillion different weight training exercises out there and probably just as many ways to perform them. However, the information I've been reading (you know, the link I keep putting up - I'll put it up again at the end of this post) says you should be concentrating mainly on compound exercises and not isolation exercises.

To me, that makes a lot of sense. Considering that the overall goal is to reduce your body fat (so that you can see your abs) then it only makes sense that doing exercises that have large movements and exercise multiple muscles at the same time is going to be a much faster way to  go. So, I'm not saying you shouldn't do any crunches, leg lifts, or sit ups, I'm just saying that you shouldn't be spending a majority of your time doing them, thinking that the more you do of these isolated ab exercises the sooner you're going to see a six pack. Instead, you should be doing compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and upper body presses. I'm going to start putting up a few exercises as I get time. You can get to them by clicking on the category Abs Workout or clicking here.

To drop your body fat down to under 10% is going to not only require some exercises but you're going to have to pay attention to what you're stuffing in the old pie hole! Yep, the old saying you are what you eat is probably a lot closer to the truth than the person that originally coined it thought. Here's that link again, just click

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    Okay, so maybe it wasn't such a bright idea to use hard candy to stop smoking!  - LOL

    My name is Frank, I'm 52 and have developed the classic "old man gut" thanks partly to my recent endeavor to stop smoking.

    Was I successful? Yes, if you call having to buy all new pants successful then I guess I was!

    I did manage to quit smoking!  But now, I have to lose this belly fat! So stay tuned everybody, as boring as this may be - It's my abs workout!


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