The Standing Barbell Curl targets the bicep.....

1. Place your hands (palms facing upwards) on a barbell at about shoulder width apart. Stand straight up with your feet together, arms extended and with your back straight.

2. With your elbows pulled into your sides and your body motionless, keep your eyes facing straight ahead while slowly curling the bar up. As you get to the top of the curl, squeeze your biceps hard.

3. Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.

Do not use your body to help you curl the bar up, allow your biceps to move the weight. Keep your elbows fixed and at your side, they should not move forward while your curling the weight up. Do not allow the weight to drop fast while lowering it. A good rhythm is 1 to 2 seconds while curling the weight up and 2 seconds while lowering it.

Lots of other great information for your abs workout can be found here!

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    Okay, so maybe it wasn't such a bright idea to use hard candy to stop smoking!  - LOL

    My name is Frank, I'm 52 and have developed the classic "old man gut" thanks partly to my recent endeavor to stop smoking.

    Was I successful? Yes, if you call having to buy all new pants successful then I guess I was!

    I did manage to quit smoking!  But now, I have to lose this belly fat! So stay tuned everybody, as boring as this may be - It's my abs workout!


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